Sunday, August 9, 2015

Looking for this anime that was anime-style

hi guys, if u cold tell me wat anime this is id be etiernally i saw it when i was a kid, it was drawn in anime style where everyone has big eyes and stuff...the main character had like spiky hair and wore read...thye wold liek fight and stuff and their wold be a new bad guy every so often thta they had to fight...the opening song went like "Duh nuh nuh nuh nuh NUH NUH NUH!"....there where these dragon balls...i think the title had a z in it. if any buddy cold tell me wat anime this is i wold be your slave 4ever just kidding lol but srlsly help plz i will die if i dont find this. as i'm currnety in a mental instution and on suicide watch u shold help me plz lol kthxby